Hello, World!
000. Every day, I take fifty-one photos. I do this to write a program for my computer.
001. The program prints "Hello, World!" to the screen. This is the traditional introductory program.
002. The compiler does not care about the content of the photos. It only cares if the images have the exposure and dominant color required by its ruleset.
010. I take the photos between 11am and 1pm, considered the worst time of day to photograph due to the high contrast. For
Light Pattern, this is ideal lighting, as the scene is recorded in a big range of exposures and they all have to capture
something to work.
011. Sometimes I make mistakes; I get the aperture wrong or skip a shot entirely. These programs print incorrectly or fail
with an error message.
012. The subject matter is as arbitrary and meaningless as I am capable of selecting.
Hello, World (2014)
Hello, World (2014)
rot13("Hello, World") (2014)
Hello, World (2014)
Hello, World (2014)
Hello, World (2014)
Hello, World (2014)